Patient list | | Glossary of terms Blackland Prairie Raptor Center
24-0623 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-10-25
Final date -
Days in captivity63
SpeciesRSHA - Red-shouldered hawk
Neurologic - leg paraparesis

Cause of injury: Unknown

Found in Dallas,TX
Dallas county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate6330.001890.00
Complete blood count180.0080.00
Packed cell volume225.0050.00
Total  2345.00

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images

2024-12-26 10:50 jj
Leftovers: 26
Food: 80g gutless M (+ Vitahawk)
fed at 10:02 a.m.j

2024-12-25 10:30 LK
Leftovers: 26
Food: 80g gutless M (+ Vitahawk)
Checked bandage still applied on LD3. Cleaned fecal matter off of both feet with diluted chlorhexidine
TF 52g M left rest in kennel 10:20am

2024-12-24 11:16 KW
Leftovers: 26
Fed @ 11:00am
Food: 80g gutless M (+ Vitahawk)

Sprayed with Zn7 spray an applied hydrocolloid bandage to LD3

2024-12-24 09:17 KW

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 80g gutless M SID (+ Vitahawk)

2024-12-23 13:54 KW
Weight: 540 grams, BCS: 2.0, Leftovers: 6
Fed @ 1:02pm
Food: 80g gutless M (+ Vitahawk)
Opted not to TF
Fed in water moat

Sprayed with Zn7 spray an applied hydrocolloid bandage to LD3, RD3, RD4

2024-12-22 11:54 jj
Leftovers: 32
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
bandages missing
spray with Zn7 spray an applied hydrocolloid bandage to LD3, RD3, RD4
tf 58g
left 22 in kennel

2024-12-21 10:00 LK
Leftovers: 28
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
L/Os were flipped under tray. Placed food with hard tray in kennel 9:40am
spray with Zn7 spray an applied hydrocolloid bandage to RD3, RD4

2024-12-20 14:55 JM
Weight: 532 grams, Leftovers: 68
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
replaced bandage
spray with Zn7 spray an applied hydrocolloid bandage to LD3, RD3, RD4

2024-12-19 14:08 JJ
Leftovers: 64
11:56, JJ: Fed: 80g M (+ Vitahawk).
Bandages still on feet. Cut up half of diet.

2024-12-18 10:26 hb/jm
Weight: 580 grams, BCS: 2.5, Leftovers: 96
Band fell off. Could not find it in the mew.

Brought inside due to bumblefoot on both feet.

Cleaned wound with dilute chlorohexidine. Applied SSD and telfa with interdigitating bandage.

L/o were for 2 pts (24-0620 and 24-0623).

2024-12-17 11:47 McD
Leftovers: 96
Group entry: 2 animals
162 g m + vitahawk

all L/O found in water moat , drenched/soaking from rain overnight

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-12-17
Examiner - McD
Initially flew back/forth/up toward ceiling (4) - 1 full lap; s/s stress 2nd round - 3 full laps, legs hanging, many wing beats

2024-12-16 10:43 blm
Leftovers: 138
Group entry: 2 animals
160 g m + vitahawk
feed 1/2 in moat

2024-12-16 10:20 jd


Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-12-16
Examiner - jd
Strong flights and perched well - changed direction well in flight.

2024-12-15 11:18 PW
Leftovers: 28
Group entry: 2 animals
Group entry: 2 animals
160g M+Vitahawk

2024-12-14 11:58 KN/AM
Leftovers: 100
Group entry: 2 animals
160g M+Vitahawk
Feed in water moat

2024-12-14 11:38 KN/AM
Leftovers: 100

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-12-14
Examiner - KN/AM
3 roundtrip flights, 10 single flights, at least 15 perch to perch on the same side of the mew. Excellent flight, good lift, is gliding, is keeping legs up in flight, can change direction mid-flight, and perches very well. Good endurance.

2024-12-13 14:57 JM

Band changed to: LY2

2024-12-13 14:48 JM
Weight: 610 grams, BCS: 3.0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat
moved to LF1
added band: left yellow 2

2024-12-12 12:41 ds
Leftovers: 0
Fed 80g M, 0 l/o

2024-12-11 10:00 KH/HB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat
l/o 0

HB observed behavior. Pt had better balance than last Wednesday. Pt flew from high perch, grabbed at wall, and flew back to high perch several times. Perched well with good control half the times and perched fairly well while flapping wings half the time. Pt miss-stepped twice and was somewhat unbalanced while moving along perch.
Moving pt to a flight cage with more space to fly may speed recovery.

2024-12-10 10:52 mb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 84g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

2024-12-09 10:30 jd/bm / th
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-12-09
Examiner - jd/bm
Did not observe walking, but it flew and perched well. Grabbed the perch well and did not seem to have any issues. May need a larger mew for further recovery

2024-12-08 09:50 PW/jf
Weight: 608 grams, BCS: 2.5, Leftovers: 66
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat
l/o were wet and soggy

2024-12-07 15:58 jj
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

2024-12-06 12:32 KA
Leftovers: 0
Food: 82g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

2024-12-05 11:36 ART
Leftovers: 6
Food: 82g M (+ Vitahawk) Fed in water moat

Relies heavily on wings to balance while shuffling sideways on perch, but did not appear to be struggling.
Can fly, turn around, and land back on perch relatively comfortably.

2024-12-04 10:44 KH/HB
Leftovers: 38
Food: 84g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat
38g l/o

HB observed for neuro signs. Pt was wobbly and losing balance when walking and perching. When flying to another part of the perch, pt missed the perch with one foot and lost its balance before recovering. Pt's tail was all wet, which could affect its balance somewhat.

2024-12-03 10:23 AD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

Pt BAR - bounced around perches; no favoring one leg

2024-12-02 09:40 th
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

2024-12-01 09:57 PW
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

2024-11-30 10:58 KN
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

2024-11-29 10:05 KA
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

2024-11-28 09:40 LS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 82g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat
no l/o

2024-11-27 11:53 hb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

Observed perching and flying well. Slightly off-balance for a second while side stepping but otherwise balance is good. Could likely benefit by moving to a larger flight cage so it has more room to fly.

2024-11-26 10:32 AD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 82g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

2024-11-25 12:03 KW

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 80g M SID (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

2024-11-25 09:49 AD/jd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Fed in water moat

Flew well with a mouse in its beak. Perching seemed tentative but was getting better

2024-11-24 11:02 PW
Leftovers: 0
Food: 40g M c/u c and 40g whole M (+ Vitahawk)

2024-11-23 10:45 DB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 40g M c/u c and 40g whole M (+ Vitahawk)
Food: 40g M c/u c and 40g whole M (+ Vitahawk)

2024-11-22 10:59 KA
Leftovers: 0
Food: 40g M c/u c and 40g whole M (+ Vitahawk)

2024-11-21 11:02 ART
Leftovers: 10
Food: 40g M c/u C + 40g M Whole (+ Vitahawk)

l/o was 2 tails and the bottom half of a mouse.

2024-11-20 10:47 HB/KH/AD/WR
Weight: 499 grams, BCS: 1.5, Leftovers: 86
Food: 40g M c/u c and 40g whole M (+ Vitahawk)

L/o were wet from water moat.

T/F all but 1 whole M. Tried to get pt to grab and swallow food on its own. Pt refused, so it was force fed.
Cut remaining M in half and left in water moat. 11:20AM HB/WR

2024-11-19 10:12 McD/MB
Weight: 516 grams, BCS: 2.0, Leftovers: 0
Food: 40g M c/u c and 40g whole M (+ Vitahawk)

2024-11-18 10:22 AD
Leftovers: 82
80g M + Vitahawk. 28g M whole and 54g M c/u C

High Leftovers due to Pt fed on food tray, not water moat

2024-11-18 09:53 jd/ar

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-11-18
Examiner - jd/ar
Did not perch that well, lifted his right leg when perching.

2024-11-17 10:43 PW
Leftovers: 4
Food: 40g M c/u c and 40g whole M (+ Vitahawk)

2024-11-16 10:13 EB
Leftovers: 12
Food: 40g M c/u c and 40g whole M (+ Vitahawk)

2024-11-15 11:34 la
Leftovers: 0
Food: 40g M c/u c and 40g whole M 0 l/o

2024-11-14 10:38 ds
Weight: 566 grams, BCS: 2.5, Leftovers: 4
Fed 84g M, 4 l/o (just a small head piece)
Very unsteady standing and flying. Off balance, while standing. Hit the wall and odd flying.

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-11-14
Examiner - ds
Very noisy with flight - many rapid wing beats. Unsteady flight pattern.

2024-11-13 10:57 AD
Leftovers: 46
Fed 84g M + Vitahawk

2024-11-12 13:42 KW

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 40g M c/u c and 40g whole M SID (+ Vitahawk)

2024-11-12 11:12 mb
Leftovers: 72
Food: 80g gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
Pt to remain in LLA7
Offer varied diet 11/13

2024-11-11 13:21 JM

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 80g gutless M c/u c SID (+ Vitahawk)

2024-11-11 13:18 JM
Weight: 614 grams, BCS: 3.0, Leftovers: 0
meds in diet at 1pm
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO
placed in LLA7
able to get to low perch, and stand for a short time
placed food in water moat
discontinue meloxicam

2024-11-10 11:50 pw/jj
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO #10:33 a.m.
tf 58g left 22 in kennel

2024-11-09 13:05 JJ
Leftovers: 48
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO : a.m.10
tf 50g left 30 in kennel 10:00 a.m.
hawk sitting but tries to stand when grabbing
when placed back in kennel standing but a little unsteady on feet

2024-11-08 15:11 JM
Weight: 610 grams, Leftovers: 16
meds PO at 10:45am
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
TF, left 54g in kennel
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO
hock sitting, able to stand for short time
PT - 10 leg stretches and massage, both legs, left showing more reaction

2024-11-07 12:30 JM
Leftovers: 16
meds PO at 12:15pm
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
TF 50g M, left 30g in kennel
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO
standing for short time, removed donut from kennel

2024-11-06 12:28 Lk
Weight: 596 grams, Leftovers: 8
Meds given PO @11am
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO

BAR, vocal
TF, left 12 in kennel

2024-11-05 11:10 JM
Leftovers: 26
meds PO at 10:48am
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
TF 68g, left 12g in kennel
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO
hock sitting in kennel
placed in LLA for observation, able to stand and walk for short period while flapping wings, weak on left side

2024-11-04 13:05 JM
Weight: 580 grams, Leftovers: 0
meds at 12:57pm
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
TF 48g, left 32g in kennel
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO
BAR, vocal, lying down, attempted to stand when grabbed
PT - 10 stretches and massage both legs
more resistance in left leg

2024-11-03 09:49 jn/jj
Leftovers: 20
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO @ 9:30 a.m.
TF in am 58g @ 9:30 a.m.
TF in pm 22g @ 2:20 pm

2024-11-02 12:25 lk/jj
Leftovers: 22
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO @10:00 a.m.

tf 52 g
left 28 in kennel

2024-11-01 12:53 JM
Weight: 564 grams, Leftovers: 18
meds given at 11:40am
Food: 80g skinless gutless rabbit c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
TF, left 27g in kennel
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO

PT 10 leg stretches, more movement noted

Collection date2024-11-01 12:53:00
PCV53 %
TS5.4 g\dl
Collection date2024-11-01 12:53:00
PCV53 %
TS-1.0 g\dl
Collection date2024-11-01
WBC count12400
Corrected count14604
Hets/Neut24% - 3504
Lymphs53% - 7740
Eos17% - 2482
Mono5% - 730
Baso1% - 146
Read bymb

2024-10-31 12:39 JM
Weight: 554 grams, Leftovers: 24
Meds PO: 11:50am
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
TF 58g; Left 22g in kennel
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO

PT both legs - 10 leg stretches

2024-10-30 13:54 LK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.37 ml (1.5 mg/ml) SID PO

2024-10-30 13:49 LK
Weight: 558 grams, Leftovers: 22
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)

Lowered meloxicam to high dose 0.4ml (1.5 mg/ml) given PO in AM

TF 48g M left 32g in kennel
Hock sitting, attempting to move around kennel

2024-10-29 13:50 JM
Weight: 546 grams, Leftovers: 0
Meds PO: 1:40pm
Food: 80g skinless gutless M c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
TF 54g; Left 26g in kennel
meloxicam head trauma: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO

Pt can shuffle around kennel
Pt is voiding out kennel door

2024-10-28 14:17 JM

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
meloxicam head trauma: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml) SID PO

2024-10-28 14:14 JM
Leftovers: 0
meds PO at 1:15am
Food: 42g clean meat + 22g skinless gutless c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
TF all diet
meloxicam head trauma: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO
BAR, unable to stand, attempts to move around kennel

2024-10-27 09:53 lp/jj
Leftovers: 38
Food: 80g clean meat c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
meloxicam head trauma: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO meds at 9:38 a.m.
20 ml LRS Sq left leg in upright position

TF 50g
left 30 in kennel

2024-10-26 11:44 jj

Food: 80g clean meat c/u c (+ Vitahawk)
SQ fluids: 40 ml LRS right legat 9:49 a.m.
meloxicam head trauma: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO at 9:49 a.m.

TF 32 G

2024-10-25 14:10 JM

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
SQ fluids: 40 ml LRS SID until 2024-10-26
meloxicam head trauma: 0.70 ml (1.5 mg/ml) SID PO

2024-10-25 14:02 JM
Weight: 530 grams, BCS: 2.5

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Behavior and Neuro: QAR, lying down, unable to stand, deep pain and motor present
Mouth NSF
Nares NSF
Ears NSF
Left PLR: ++
Left menace response: ++
Right PLR: ++
Right menace reponse: ++
Wings NSF
Legs NSF
Feathers: dirt and debri in feathers

Gave 40ml LRS SQ in both inquinal
0.7ml meloxicam (1.5mg/ml) PO
placed in donut
did not offer food

Version 4.0.3 - 4.0.13 Fri Dec 27 09:28:07 2024